For Frischhertz, the quality of our work and the welfare of our team go hand in hand. Our focus on safety begins with the applicant. We maintain a strict “Fit for Duty” program and drug testing policy for all aspiring field personnel.
Frischhertz is a signatory contractor to the New Orleans Electrical Safety Education Plan (NOESEP), the safety training facility for IBEW Local 130, and our employees are required to have annual training. We utilize NOESEP to certify our employees for the following courses:
Our third-party safety group, ESC, also trains our employees on-site for confined space, fall protection, aerial/scissor lifts, forklifts, rigging, crane awareness, scaffold safety, and more.
Frischhertz has several employees who are certified instructors. These employees host training classes throughout the year including pipe bending and cable splicing. We also have guest speakers attend many of our monthly safety meetings to keep our employees informed of the latest safety equipment, practices, changes and concerns.
Frischhertz also conducts daily Task Safety Analysis (TSA) meetings, weekly safety meetings/toolbox talks, monthly safety meetings for supervisory personnel, and monthly Safety Committee meetings.
Our post-hire training requirements include: